Wednesday, January 27, 2010

National CRNA Week, This Week

I just learned today, the this week is National CRNA Week. I want to say thank you to all the CRNA's in the world. I have worked with a lot of great ones. What is a CRNA, you ask? It stands for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. These nurses have earned their Masters Degree and are certified to provide anesthesia in surgery. They work hard at their jobs and continuing their education to maintain their certification.

Congratulations and Happy CRNA Week to all of you!

Here's a great gift for CRNAs.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Nursing Gifts

Do you have a nurse you want to thank? Do you know someone graduating from nursing school soon? Do you just want to tell the world you are a nurse? These items are just what you're looking for.

Click here for more great designs.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Squidoo Gave Me A Purple Star

I love Squidoo and now I have several more reasons to love it. 2010 is starting out as a GREAT year for me on Squidoo. I was made a Giant Squid, a SquidAngel, and now they have honored me with a Purple star award for my lens Operating Room Nurses.

Thank you to whoever nominated this page for the award and to all of Squidom for their support and encouragement.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gifts For Nurses

Great stethoscopes from Amazon:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Join Me On RedGage

Click this link to join me on RedGage:

RedGage is a first-of-its-kind web site that pays people for their online content and monetizes their social activity. It's centralized hub where you can earn money for all the things you're already doing online at places like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and Blogger. RedGage pays based on the value of your content, measured by page views/popularity. It aggregates from other sites so you don't even have to regularly visit RedGage.

Vote For Nurses Week Logo

Follow this link to vote for the logo for Nurses Week 2010. There are four to choose from.